In late 2023, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet engaged PEG Consulting to conduct an independent review of the Emergency Management Act 2004 to ensure that the legislation empowers South Australia to prepare for, respond to and recover from emerging hazards and extended events.

Public consultation took place from November 2023 to January 2024, with the Final Report presented to the Premier in June 2024. The report has been tabled in both Houses of Parliament with the accompanying Government Response which accepts, or accepts in principle, all 28 recommendations and 9 observations.

The findings contained within the report will inform the Amendment Bill, to be brought to Parliament later in 2024.

More information about the independent review, the final report, and the government response is available from the state government’s online consultation hub, YourSAy.

Emergency Management Act 2004

The Emergency Management Act 2004 Review – YourSAy