The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) is responsible for the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP), which sets out the state’s comprehensive emergency management arrangements.

It outlines a coordinated approach to building resilience and reducing vulnerability across all aspects of the community, including state and local government, business, the non-government sector and individuals.

The SEMP is a series of documents split over 3 parts with accompanying annexes.

Part 1 was updated in August 2022 and is a combination of the previous Parts 1 and 2. The updated version includes a clear set of principles defining the responsibilities of government agencies and participating organisations in emergency management activities. Among the principles are an increased focus on environmental protection, risk reduction, climate change awareness, and safeguarding people, with specific consideration given to the needs of First Peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, older people, people living with disability, and people who are experiencing family or domestic violence.

Part 1: Arrangements

Governance arrangements, roles and responsibilities, and structures in place to reduce risk from hazards, and to plan and prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

SEMP (PDF, 3.4 MB)

Part 2: Strategies, Guidelines and Frameworks

Various strategies, guidelines and frameworks that support the state’s emergency management arrangements.

SEMP Part 2: Strategies, Guidelines and Frameworks

Part 2 Annexes and Subordinate Documents

Classification and Retention of Emergency Management Plans and Official Information (PDF, 815.3 KB)

Consequence Management Guidelines (PDF, 716.9 KB)

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements fact sheet (Department of Home Affairs)

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements 2018 (Department of Home Affairs)

Disaster Waste Management Guidelines  (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Emergency Management Lessons Management Framework (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Evacuation Guidelines (PDF, 2.7 MB)

Guidelines for Managing Spontaneous Volunteers (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Guidelines for Planning for People with Assistance Animals in Emergencies (PDF, 753.2 KB)

Managing Animals in Emergencies: A Framework for South Australia (PDF, 2.2 MB)

People at risk in emergencies framework for South Australia  (PDF, 2.0 MB)

Public Information and Warnings Guidelines (PDF, 1.2 MB)

South Australian Emergency Management Assurance Framework (PDF, 855.7 KB)

South Australian Emergency Management Assurance Outcomes (PDF, 831.0 KB)

South Australian Guideline - Spontaneous Memorials  (PDF, 965.7 KB)

Traffic Management during Emergencies  (PDF, 900.4 KB)

Zone Emergency Management Committee Guidelines (PDF, 956.0 KB)

Part 3: Supporting Plans

Required plans that support the state’s emergency management arrangements (including hazard plans, capability plans, control agency plans, functional support group plans, zone emergency management plans and operations manuals).

SEMP Part 3: Supporting Plans

Part 3 plans - the individual supporting plans are not publicly available. If you wish to access a particular document, please contact us.