The following materials have been developed to help service providers implement the Information Sharing Guidelines (ISG).

The guidelines

Information Sharing Guidelines for Promoting Safety and Wellbeing (ISG) (PDF, 1.5 MB)

ISG Decision Making Steps and Practice Guide

This is a key resource for all staff to follow, a flowchart and guide providing advice on the ISG’s practical application.

ISG Decision Making Steps and Guide (PDF, 587.6 KB)


Writing an appendix

Explains how to develop a procedure for ISG implementation.
A Guide to Writing an ISG Appendix (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Overview video

A video summarising the Information Sharing Guidelines.


Early intervention by sharing information – 10 top practice tips (PDF, 177.4 KB)

Discussion Paper

Overview of implementation of the Information Sharing Guidelines for Promoting the Safety and Wellbeing of Children, Young People and their Families 2009 to 2012 (PDF, 563.2 KB)


This can be used if you don’t have a process to document a client’s consent to share information.

Sample consent form (DOCX, 32.6 KB)

An example of a form that could be used to record information sharing activity if your organisation does not have an existing client file record keeping process.

Record Keeping Form (DOCX, 32.0 KB)

Audit tool

An audit tool that can be used by organisations in preparation for quality assurance auditing processes such as the Australian Service Excellence Standards.

ISG Audit Tool - Assessing organisational ISG policies and procedures for content and quality (PDF, 865.1 KB)

Online training

Access the online training courses.