About the Governor in Executive Council

The Governor plays an important practical role under the state’s constitution and fulfils a symbolic role as local head of state. The Governor is appointed by the King and, for most practical purposes, exercises His Majesty’s powers in the state. These include the fundamental powers to dissolve Parliament, call elections and appoint and dismiss ministers.

The Governor in Executive Council is the formal mechanism for administration of the state. Many of the decisions made by Cabinet do not have legal effect until they are signed by the Governor in Executive Council.

All items for the approval of the Governor in Executive Council must first be considered by Cabinet, with the exception of the assent to Acts.

Once approved by Cabinet, these items are progressed to the next appropriate Executive Council. This includes:

  • proclamations
  • regulations
  • appointments (to a government board or general appointments)
  • other matters that require the Governor’s approval.

When exercising a statutory power, the Governor must act with the advice and consent of Executive Council.

All ministers are ex officio members of Executive Council.

The Governor in Executive Council also has a number of other key roles such as approving the Governor’s Speech for the opening of Parliament.

Refer to the Governor's website for more information about the role of the Governor.