About Cabinet

Cabinet is the central decision-making body of the Government of South Australia. Chaired by the Premier, it is a forum where the Premier and ministers meet to discuss and decide issues of importance to the state and it sets the government’s policy and strategic direction.

Cabinet is a product of convention and practice – there is no reference to Cabinet in the South Australian Constitution and its establishment and procedures are not governed by legislation. Cabinet does not have terms of reference or legal status. Consequently, the outcomes of its deliberations may require action by the below to be put into effect:

  • the Governor in Executive Council
  • individual ministers whose executive power is derived from legislation
  • holders of statutory office
  • the Parliament.

Cabinet meets weekly on a Monday to consider government business (presented as either Cabinet submissions or notes).
In addition, Strategic Cabinet meetings are held monthly on a Thursday, providing ministers with an opportunity to consider a priority issue in greater detail.

The confidentiality of Cabinet’s deliberations is a fundamental principle of the Westminster system of government. Cabinet papers, in both final and draft form, must be used, stored and destroyed in accordance with the minimum requirements of the South Australian Protective Security Framework.

What goes to Cabinet?

Cabinet considers major policy initiatives and matters of strategic importance, including significant financial expenditure and contracts, legislation, important intergovernmental matters and some administrative matters including key appointments.

Cabinet approval is required for any item that must be approved by the Governor in Executive Council (except Acts for Assent).

The confidentiality of Cabinet’s deliberations is a fundamental principle of the Westminster system of government. Cabinet papers, in both final and draft form, must be used, stored and destroyed in accordance with the minimum requirements of the South Australian Protective Security Framework.

Cabinet submissions

Cabinet note

Ministerial Order of Precedence

The Ministerial Order of Precedence is a guide for determining the ceremonial status of arrangements to define the correct order in which introductions and/or acknowledgements and seating arrangements of Ministers are made.

The order is determined by a number of factors including ministerial responsibilities, length of Parliamentary service and any additional Parliamentary roles or positions held (or previously held).

The full Ministerial Order of Precedence is available from the Parliament South Australia website.

Parliament South Australia