The Government of South Australia is keen to ensure that the best candidates are recruited for its boards and committees, and that the right balance of skills and experience, gender and cultural diversity is available to meet the challenges that the government has set for the public sector.

Answer our BoardingCall to make a difference to our state

With over 200 government boards, there are opportunities to contribute your skills and experience.

These boards work with the government in a wide range of capacities. They advise ministers on key issues, manage public assets and cultural institutions and oversee education, health, economic and environmental programs.

They work across the entire state, from the Eyre Peninsula to the Limestone Coast and everywhere in between, and their members have diverse backgrounds and a broad range of skills and experience.

Head to BoardingCall to create a personalised profile and upload your CV. (Please note that BoardingCall is optimised for browsing in Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.)

See our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about BoardingCall.