Objective: ensure that through a whole-of-government approach, the benefits of the Arts and Culture Plan 2019-2024 is able to be realised across the range of sectors where the community interacts with government.

Recommendation and response

Accepted – In collaboration with key stakeholders, we will review existing frameworks and measures to inform the development of a whole of government measures framework.

The Arts Plan Advisory Group, including representatives from the Department for Innovation and Skills, Department for Education, Department of Primary Industry and Regions, and Department for Trade and Investment, continues to support the integration and implementation of Arts Plan recommendations across government.

Accepted – We will develop coordinated arts and culture targets across government.

In response to COVID-19, Wellbeing SA has seen arts and culture grants with a wellbeing focus approved through its program of investment. The development of an Arts and Cultural Tourism Strategy, as well as cross-sector public art programs and other similar projects, will support broader targets to be established in the coming year.

The Arts Plan Advisory Group including representatives from the Department for Innovation and Skills, Department for Education, Department of Primary Industry and Regions and Department for Trade and Investment, continues to support the integration and implementation of Arts Plan recommendations across government. This group will be instrumental in devising arts and culture targets across government.

Accepted – Arts South Australia will identify a liaison function to assist the arts sector to connect and link across various departments and policies.

The South Australian government has determined that this role will be fulfilled by the Director, Arts South Australia with the support of Arts South Australia staff. The Director fulfils the cross-government liaison function and, supported by the Arts Plan Advisory Group and departmental staff, can collaborate with the arts sector to connect and link across various departments and policies.

Government’s response to this recommendation has been implemented.