• DPC Performs was implemented in March 2022 to capture data on projects, programs, business and across department action plans. It is viewable for all DPC staff via a purpose-built dashboard.
  • Following completion of a procurement capability assessment in late 2021, DPC developed a series of bespoke face-to-face procurement and contract management training to support staff upskilling, delivered through May and June 2022. The upskilling modules were also adapted for online learning, enabling staff to refresh their skills when necessary as well as supporting new procurement officers gain a clear baseline for DPC’s requirements.
  • Continued to invest in cyber security initiatives to ensure we continue to evolve and increase the department’s cyber security resilience, posture and preparedness for new and emerging cyber security threats.
  • Continued to deliver the ICT implementation plan to address the remediation of remaining legacy ICT systems and environments.
  • Supported the transition to the new government by ensuring continuity of business operations and critical corporate support processes.
  • Supported the transition of the exiting Governor to the incoming Governor.
  • Recognised and celebrated employee achievements via the annual recognition awards. From 86 nominations, 6 team and 7 individual winners received awards, with the judging panel also recognising 16 other nominations with High Achievement certificates.
  • Implemented new employment screening processes for all advertised roles and all new employees to the agency.
  • Migrated users from the legacy SharePoint online time and attendance sheet system to the new PowerApps environment, including the implementation of a number of functionality improvements.
  • Continued to invest in individuals through tailored leadership development opportunities, including 19 individuals participating in leadership development programs through the SA Leadership Academy.
  • Continued delivery of comprehensive Wellbeing Program based on the concept of Healthy Body/Healthy Mind based on building resilience and a positive culture with a focus on psychological wellbeing.

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