Annual Report 2020–21: Table of contents | 1234 | 5 | 67

Act or RegulationRequirement
Emergency Management Act 2004Part 2 – State Emergency Management Committee
Section 13 – Annual Report by SEMC

(1) SEMC must, on or before 30 September in each year, present a report to the Minister on the operations of SEMC during the preceding financial year.

(2) The Minister must, within 12 sitting days after receipt of a report under this section, cause copies of the report to be laid before both Houses of Parliament.

The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) is established by section 6 of the Emergency Management Act 2004 to provide leadership and maintain oversight of emergency management planning in the state. SEMC supports the Premier as Minister for the Act, and leads initiatives requested by the Emergency Management Council (EMC) Cabinet Committee. Under the Act, SEMC is responsible for leading and overseeing state emergency management planning and coordinating emergency management policies and strategies.

During 2020–21, SEMC met 6 times, including two extraordinary meetings to address particular matters related to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (RCNNDRA) and emergency events. It delivered a range of projects and initiatives aligned to its legislative responsibilities and strategic intent.

Major activities included coordinating the government’s response to the RCNNDRA, overseeing immediate actions arising from the independent review into the bushfires of 2019–20 (Keelty Review), and commencing the comprehensive review of the State Emergency Management Plan.

Other outcomes included:

  • monitoring the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and South Australian Fruit Fly outbreak and recovery from the 2019–20 bushfires and considering relevant policy matters
  • strengthening the state strategic risk mitigation plans, including aligning and consolidating existing actions to the strategic risks and identifying budget priorities
  • developing terms of reference for a review of the Emergency Management Act 2004 to ensure it remains suitable for the increasing scale and diversity of emergencies experienced now and anticipated in the future
  • approving the South Australian Disaster Recovery Coordination Framework to support South Australia’s coordination and delivery of whole of government recovery interventions across a disaster event
  • renewing the Terms of Reference for the committee and embedding the new sub-committee governance structure to drive the committee’s work
  • approving enhancements to the planning process to increase assurance of the process and create efficiencies.

Act or Regulation


Government Business Enterprises (Competition) Act 1996Section 21 – The annual report of the administrative unit responsible, under the Minister, for the administration of this Act must include a report on the investigations carried out under this Act for the relevant financial year.

Competition Commissioner – Competitive Neutrality Complaints

The following information is provided in accordance with the requirements of section 21 of the Government Business Enterprises (Competition) Act 1996 (Act) for the Chief Executive of DPC to report annually on investigations carried out under this Act.

Two complaints were received by the Competitive Neutrality Secretariat, situated within Cabinet Office, during 2020–2021. Both complaints relate to the same matter and investigation is continuing in relation to this matter.

Summaries of complaints referred to a Competition Commissioner and additional information is available via the Competitive Neutrality section of the DPC website.

Act or RegulationRequirement
City of Adelaide Act 1998

Division 4 – Reporting and review

Section 16 – Reporting

(1) The Capital City Committee must ensure that a report is prepared by 31 October in each year on the operation of the collaborative arrangements established under or pursuant to this Act during the financial year ending on the preceding 30 June.

(2) The Premier must ensure that copies of a report prepared under subsection (1) are laid before both Houses of Parliament within 12 sitting days after the report is completed.

(3) The Lord Mayor must ensure that copies of a report prepared under subsection (1) are presented to the Adelaide City Council within 4 weeks after the report is completed.

The Capital City Committee (CCC) is an intergovernmental body established under the City of Adelaide Act 1998 (the Act) which sets out its membership and functions. The primary function of the CCC is to enhance and promote the development of the City of Adelaide (CoA) as the capital city of the state.

Under Section 7 of the Act, the CCC membership is constituted as follows:

  • The Premier, or a Minister nominated by the Premier, who is the chair of the CCC.
  • Two other Ministers nominated by the Premier.
  • The Lord Mayor or, if the Lord Mayor chooses not to be a member of the CCC, another member of the CoA nominated by the Council.
  • Two other members of the CoA nominated by the Council.

The functions of the CCC are set out in Section 10 of the Act and include:

  • identify and promote key strategic requirements for the economic, social, physical and environmental development and growth of the CoA
  • promote and assist in maximising opportunities for the effective coordination of public and private resources to meet the key strategic requirements identified by the CCC and recommend priorities for joint action by the state government and the CoA
  • monitor the implementation of programs to promote the development of the CoA
  • make provision for the publication of key strategies, goals and commitments relevant to the development and growth of the CoA
  • collect, analyse and distribute information about the economic, social, physical and environmental development of the CoA.

As per legislated requirements, the CCC met 4 times in 2020–21. The 2019–20 Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 4 February 2021.

Act or RegulationRequirement
Public Sector (Data Sharing) Act 2016

Division 4 – Reporting and review

Section 16 – Reporting

Section 17 – Annual Report

  1. The Minister must, as soon as practicable after each 30 June, cause a report to be prepared about the operation of this Act during the year ended on that 30 June.
  2. Without limiting subsection (1), a report relating to a year must include the following matters:
    1. in relation to the provision of public   sector data pursuant to a direction of the Office for Data Analytics (ODA) under section 6(4), a list of such directions including, in respect of each direction;
      1. the identity of the data provider and data recipient; and
      2. the nature of the data; and
      3. whether the public sector data contained personal information and whether the data was, at the time of the direction, exempt public sector data;
    2. a summary of the results of data analytics work undertaken by ODA and made available to public sector agencies, the private sector and the general public;
    3. in relation to the provision of public sector data containing personal information under section 8(1), a list of all instances of such provision including the identification of the data provider and data recipient, the general nature of the data and the purpose for which the data was shared;
    4. a list of all directions made by the Minister under section 9(1), including, in respect of each direction—
      1. the identification of the data provider and data recipient and the general nature of the public sector data; and
      2. the purpose for which the public sector data was to be provided; and
      3. whether the direction related to public sector data containing personal information and whether the data was, at the time of the direction, exempt public sector data;
    5. a list of all agreements entered into pursuant to section 13(1) including, in respect of each agreement—
      1. the identification of the parties to the agreement and the general nature of the data being shared; and
      2. whether the agreement related to the sharing of public sector data containing personal information and whether the public sector data was, at the time of sharing, exempt public sector data.
  3. The Minister must, within 6 sitting days after receipt of a report under this section, cause copies of the report to be laid before each House of the Parliament.

The Office for Data Analytics (ODA) is a unit within DPC and was established by section 6 of the Public Sector (Data Sharing) Act 2016 on 30 May 2017 to:

  • undertake data analytics work in collaboration with agencies (mostly multi-agency data sharing projects)
  • facilitate data sharing between other agencies
  • inform agencies about their service delivery, operations and performance
  • upskill government in evidence-based decision making using data and analytics.

Operations and activities from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 are summarised on the Office for Data Analytics section of the DPC website:

(2) (a) in relation to the provision of public sector data pursuant to a direction of ODA under section 6(4), a list of such directions including, in respect of each direction –

(i) the identity of the data provider and data recipient; and

(ii) the nature of the data; and

(iii) whether the public sector data contained personal information and whether the data was, at the time of the direction, exempt public sector data.

There were no instances of ODA, under section 6(4), directing a public sector agency to provide public sector data to ODA during the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

(2) (b) a summary of the results of data analytics work undertaken by ODA and made available to public sector agencies, the private sector and the general public is provided below.

  • Supported the South Australian government’s COVID response including:
    • supporting contact tracing operations
    • publishing data publicly on active case locations
    • analysing social, economic and non-COVID health factors relating to the pandemic
    • providing analysis on state mobility
    • analysing and supporting COVID SAfe plan regeneration
    • publishing QR check-in statistics daily to the public.
  • Delivered the first of several products to DHS under the expanded version of the Vulnerable Children Project (VCP) called the Vulnerable Family Information Management System
  • Delivered a policy dataset for the Department of Human Services’ Early Intervention Research Directorate
  • Continued expanding the Emergency Management Common Operating Picture to consolidate information for the State Emergency Centre and other EM operational centres
  • Analysed and delivered a report on the results of the Equal Opportunity Commission’s Parliamentary Survey. Also provided a comparative analysis of multiple international jurisdictions’ parliamentary behaviours and solutions to the acting Equal Opportunity Commission’s office
  • Supported development of the National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) including integrating and analysing South Australia data
  • Integrated and delivered the Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) through the development of the South Australian Business Research Environment (SABRE)
  • Integrated and provided analytic support for Growth State sectors and sub-sectors to other SA government agencies
  • Established and maintained a data process and daily reporting system for COVID border compliance/enforcement operations for DPC and SAPOL. Successfully formulated and implemented a transition plan involving the COVID border operational data, reporting template knowledge and associated coding to SAPOL.
  • Established and maintained the daily COVID Check-In reporting system that provides the government’s senior leadership with a summary activity report of check ins, unique entities, accumulative deletions
  • Provided the White Ribbon Council with preliminary analysis on its national survey on harassment
  • Provided analytic support to Department for Infrastructure and Transport to identify businesses impacted by North-South Corridor project
  • Provided consulting and advisory to MIT Living Lab on Business and Emergency Management data
  • Building, maintaining and delivering analytic support for the government’s trade database
  • Provided updates to the state-wide Information Sharing
  • Provided analytic support to the Adelaide Capital City Committee in the evaluation to measure mobility within the Adelaide CBD after COVID-19 impact
  • Delivered to Infrastructure SA an analytic tool of the current internet coverage and technology type of the internet available in different South Australian regions intersected with demographic and economic data by enlisting Carnegie Mellon University Australia’s graduates from its business intelligence and data analytics program.

(2) (c) in relation to the provision of public sector data containing personal information under 8(1), a list of all instances of such provision including the identification of the data provider and data recipient, the general nature of the data and the purpose for which the data was shared.

Data can be located via the Office for Data Analytics section of the DPC website.

(2) (d) a list of all directions made by the Minister under section 9(1), including, in respect of each direction-

(i) the identification of the data provider and data recipient and the general nature of the public sector data; and

(ii) the purpose for which the public sector data was to be provided; and

(iii) whether the direction related to public sector data containing personal information and whether the data was at the time of the direction, exempt public sector data.

There were no instances of the Minister, under section 9(1) directing a public sector agency to provide public sector data to another public sector agency during the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

(2) (e) a list of all agreements entered into pursuant to section 13(1) including, in respect of each agreement-

(i) the identification of the parties to the agreement and the general nature of the data being shared

(ii) whether the agreement related to the sharing of public sector data containing personal information and whether the public sector data was, at the time of sharing, exempt public sector data.

The following agreements were entered into by the Minister under section 13(1) (an agreement with a relevant non-government entity) during the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

  • Uniting Communities and SA Housing Authority, Department of Human Services (Youth Justice) and Department of Child Protection (Ruby’s Data Sharing Agreement).
  • Community Housing Providers and Department of Human Services (Single Housing Register Data Sharing Agreement).

Reporting required under the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005

Nil to report.

Annual Report 2020–21: Table of contents | 1234 | 5 | 67