Annual Report 2018-19: Table of contents | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Number of public complaints reported

Complaint categoriesSub-categoriesExample Number of complaints

Professional behaviour

Staff attitude

Failure to demonstrate values such as empathy, respect, fairness, courtesy, extra mile; cultural competency


Professional behaviour

Staff competency

Failure to action service request; poorly informed decisions; incorrect or incomplete service provided


Professional behaviour

Staff knowledge

Lack of service specific knowledge; incomplete or out-of-date knowledge



Communication quality

Inadequate, delayed or absent communication with customer




Customer’s confidentiality or privacy not respected; information shared incorrectly


Service delivery


System offline; inaccessible to customer; incorrect result/information provided; poor system design


Service delivery

Access to services

Service difficult to find; location poor; facilities/ environment poor standard; not accessible to customers with disabilities


Service delivery


Processing error; incorrect process used; delay in processing application; process not customer responsive



Policy application

Incorrect policy interpretation; incorrect policy applied; conflicting policy advice given



Policy content

Policy content difficult to understand; policy unreasonable or disadvantages customer


Service quality


Incorrect, incomplete, out dated or inadequate information; not fit for purpose


Service quality

Access to information

Information difficult to understand, hard to find or difficult to use; not plain English


Service quality


Lack of staff punctuality; excessive waiting times (outside of service standard); timelines not met


Service quality


Maintenance; personal or family safety; duty of care not shown; poor security service/ premises; poor cleanliness


Service quality

Service responsiveness

Service design doesn’t meet customer needs; poor service fit with customer expectations


No case to answer

No case to answer

Third party; customer misunderstanding; redirected to another agency; insufficient information to investigate





Additional metricsTotal

Number of positive feedback comments


Number of negative feedback comments


Total number of feedback comments


% complaints resolved within policy timeframes


Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA Public Complaints received by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Service improvements for period

Service improvements resulting from complaints or consumer suggestions over 2018-19

While the small number of public complaints and feedback limits extensive analysis, there were some opportunities to improve the department’s complaint processes and improve policy compliance.

Complaint triggers included poor customer information, technology failure or process issues. Where there was no case to answer, generally the complaint triggers were customer misunderstanding, or another agency was responsible. The number of complaints where the department was responsible compared with those triggered by other causes was similar.

Encouragingly, where there was a service failure or perceived deficiency, DPC teams implemented effective service improvements. For example, Multicultural Affairs received a complaint regarding how they managed negative public comments in social media posts as part of their Multicultural Legislative Review 2019. As a result of discussions with the customer and reviewing how other organisations manage social media comments, Multicultural Affairs has improved and clarified their community standards statement for future social media consultations.

Cabinet Office developed an online portal for the South Australian Lobbyist Register to improve the annual return process. The portal eliminates the need to send in a paper form and makes it easier for lobbyists to understand what information is required. The portal has around 80 users. Feedback on this service improvement has been positive, as the previous process was sometimes considered confusing and required rework by employees. The one complaint raised about the portal’s performance related to an issue that was being fixed and was resolved within 24 hours.

It should be noted that fewer than 75% of complaints were resolved either within 21 business days or within a negotiated extension as per the department’s policy. Anecdotally, this appears to be due in part to employees becoming more familiar with their local complaints procedure, as well as team roles and responsibilities settling post machinery of government changes. It is anticipated that compliance with policy time frames will improve with experience over time.

Annual Report 2018-19: Table of contents | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7