Annual reports

The Hon Steven Marshall MP
Premier of South Australia

This annual report is to be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Sector Regulations 2010 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987 and meets the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.

This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of South Australia.

Submitted on behalf of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet by:

Jim McDowell
Chief Executive

Signed 25 September 2019

From the Chief Executive

The 2018-19 financial year was one of new beginnings for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and for the public sector.

On 1 July 2018, the department welcomed five new business units and farewelled ten others as part of machinery of government changes following the March 2018 election. Managing the logistics and administration of these changes required significant effort across the public sector.

Shortly after I commenced in the Chief Executive role in September 2018, the department revised its strategic plan, providing new direction in a time of significant change and renewal. In November 2018, a new organisational structure was implemented, providing interim arrangements to support our transition to a new structure. These arrangements supported a Cabinet-led government and have positioned DPC to coordinate and lead whole of government reform and strategic initiatives.

In December 2018, the Government announced an Aboriginal Affairs Action Plan aimed at improving the opportunities and services available to Aboriginal South Australians. Progressing this plan and other initiatives in Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, including the development of a Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan for DPC, were priorities in 2018-19.

We commenced a refocus on the role of Arts South Australia, articulating the Government’s direction for arts and culture in a five-year Arts Plan. This involved extensive consultation with sector, government and the public throughout the financial year.

To progress the Government’s economic agenda, the department provided leadership for key economic initiatives including Lot Fourteen, population growth, productivity initiatives and supported the development of Growth State.

I acknowledge and thank all staff for their contributions during the 2018-19 year, both those in the spotlight and those providing critical support behind the scenes, and look forward to what we will collectively achieve over the next year.

Jim McDowell
Chief Executive
Department of the Premier and Cabinet


Overview: about the agency

The agency’s performance

Financial performance

Risk management

Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Public complaints

Appendix: Audited financial statements 2018-19