Annual reports | Table of contents | Section B | Section C

Section A: Reporting required under the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Sector Regulations 2010 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987

Agency purpose or role

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) provides leadership to ensure a whole-of-government-approach in achieving the Premier’s vision for South Australia.

The department delivers specialist policy advice to the Premier and ministers and supports the Cabinet process. It also has overarching responsibility for Commonwealth-state relations and manages the Premier’s Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agenda.

The department leads the implementation of a range of strategic priorities and policy commitments for South Australia.

DPC leads key government initiatives to benefit other government agencies and the community. During 2017-18 these included the provision of shared corporate and business services across government, management of the government’s information communication technology strategy, cyber security, and delivery of government information, services and transactions.


DPC is the lead agency supporting the Premier and Cabinet to achieve the following objectives:

  • Modern and responsive services
  • Value creating
  • High performing.

Key strategies and their relationship to SA Government objectives

Key strategy SA Government objective

Customer Centric

Participatory Budgeting; better government services; efficient and accountable government

Driving South Australia’s strategic agenda

Commonwealth-State engagement; implementing the state’s Energy Plan; maximising use of government data to benefit citizens/South Australians

Economic reform

Unlocking resources, increased engagement with France and China; lower costs for families and businesses

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Agency programs and initiatives and their effectiveness and efficiency

Program name Indicators of performance/effectiveness/efficiency Outcome for South Australia

Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Executive Council

Provided high-level advice and supported:

  • 51 Cabinet meetings
  • 49 Executive Council meetings
  • 8 Cabinet Committees.

Cabinet and Executive Council are able to make more informed decisions about the matters that affect all South Australians

Partnering with governments

Led State-Commonwealth negotiations in:

  • a Heads of Agreement on Public Hospital Funding and Health Reform
  • a Bilateral Agreement on the National Disability Insurance Scheme
  • the Intergovernmental Agreement on Identity Matching Services
  • an Intergovernmental Agreement on the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
  • an Intergovernmental Agreement on the National Partnership on the Skilling Australians Fund
  • An Intergovernmental Agreement on the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement
  • an Intergovernmental Agreement on a National Framework for Responding to per-and poly- fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Contamination.

Maximised outcomes for South Australia

Enhanced partnerships with other state governments

A safer South Australia

Emergency Management

Administered the $1 million Prevention and Preparedness Fund which enhanced the state’s preparation for emerging threats and strengthened resilience in communities.

Launched the State Emergency Management Committee’s (SEMC) five-year Strategic Plan and strengthened strategic reporting to SEMC.

Coordinated South Australia’s response to agreements made at the Special Counter Terrorism COAG.

Delivered on the ‘Independent Review of Extreme Weather Event’ (Burns Review) recommendations including establishing a new assurance process for SEMC and reviewing governance of recovery and relief funding.

A safer South Australia

Employment in South Australia

DPC engaged with BHP to support its $600 million investment at Olympic Dam to expand into the Southern Mine area and upgrade surface infrastructure.

A two-year ramp up has begun on the new Port Pirie Smelter facility completed through State Government support.

Progressed approvals for OZ Minerals $900 million Carrapateena Copper/Gold mining project.

Liaised with GFG Alliance on its concept plan for the long-term transformation of its Whyalla steelmaking and mining operations.

Further job creation and investment in South Australia

A more sustainable future for Whyalla Steelworks and the steel industry

Incoming Government

Led the preparation of incoming government briefs across government and led the implementation of machinery of government changes.

Supported the smooth transition for the incoming government

Early Intervention Research

As part of the government’s response to the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission, DPC led the Vulnerable Children Project, the first large scale multi-agency data sharing project for the South Australian Government.

DPC led the development of the Getting it Right Early (PDF, 11.5 MB) – South Australian Government’s Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy for Child Abuse and Neglect 2018 - 2019. Refer to the Public consultation outcomes.

DPC held two public forums to consult with stakeholders and share key findings from child abuse/neglect prevention and early intervention research to date.

DPC engaged an external expert consortium that delivered:

  • 83 desktop-evaluations of South Australian Government funded early intervention and prevention services
  • three case file reviews
  • a community risk profile identifying key demographic risk factors for child protection contact
  • mapping of referral pathways through the current early intervention effort and development of a service system map.

Decisions are informed by a more detailed picture of the needs and priorities of vulnerable children and families

Improved strategic planning across the relevant agencies that interact with vulnerable children and families

A safer South Australia where decisions are informed by sound evidence

Data Sharing

DPC led across government efforts to innovate the use of government data by:

  • undertaking data analysis work in collaboration with agencies
  • facilitating data sharing between other agencies
  • leading across agency groups and education initiatives to improve collaboration and data capacities across agencies.

Improved evidence-based decision making

Improvements to the safety, wellbeing and development of children

Improved across-agency collaboration

Ensuring the right supports are in place, at the right time, in order to reduce child abuse and neglect

Energy Resources

Accelerated investment in projects to bring forward locally produced natural gas through the PACE Gas grants program.

Supported engagement between Cooper and Eromanga oil and gas producers and traditional landowners to identify business opportunities and promote cultural understanding.

Reliable energy supply at a reasonable cost

Improved industry engagement with traditional landowners, creating new business opportunities and fostering mutual respect

Integrated sustainable energy and climate policy

New renewable energy projects included:

  • the world’s largest grid-scale battery storage near Jamestown
  • introduction of new competition to the energy market via SIMEC Zen Energy and SolarReserve’s Aurora solar thermal plant.

Reliable, affordable and clean power

Mineral Resources

Continued to collect extensive precompetitive geoscience data through PACE Copper to support exploration companies identify new resource targets.

Collaborated with iron ore project proponents to advance the objectives of the Magnetite Strategy.

Established the PACE Discovery Drilling partnership with the new MinEx Cooperative Research Centre to build on the success of the Deep Exploration Technologies CRC.

Stronger Partners, Stronger Futures supported relationship building and cultural heritage understanding between the mineral resources sector and traditional landowners.

Support exploration and timely approvals of mining projects

Improved infrastructure and job generation

Industry and Commonwealth funding leveraged to attract and accelerate investment to unlock the state’s mineral wealth

International Relations

Facilitated approximately 30 inbound visits, two Premier-led overseas visits, and one interstate visit for the Premier.

Managed South Australia’s Sister-State relations, supported soft and public diplomacy initiatives, delivered 12 state protocol events and two State Funerals/Memorial Services.

Facilitated connections between state government, business, academic, cultural and community leaders and key foreign leaders and decision makers.

Led collaboration between France and South Australia, to maximise outcomes from the Submarine Program.

Led the National Australian-French Entrepreneurship 24-Hour Challenge in Adelaide – 11-12 July 2017.

Maximised exposure of the state’s key economic strengths and opportunities to support economic development

Improved international relations

Increased South Australia’s global competitiveness in research and industry

Lower costs, better services, more jobs

DPC improved service delivery by:

  • implementing the Better Informed Statutory Decision-Making training program for regulators of the mineral resources industry
  • streamlining payment processes for government vendors – 96% of all vendor payments are now made via electronic funds transfer
  • entering a contract to supply and manage the government’s end user computing equipment and services
  • modernising a payroll system that created efficiencies across government and delivered $1 million in ongoing savings per annum from 2017-18.

Improved customer experience, regulatory efficiency, operational efficiencies and savings across government

Modern Public Service, Digital Government

Led the digital transformation of government services through the Digital Government Action Plan.

DPC also:

  • developed and implemented a whole of government cyber security strategy
  • led the implementation of the digital driver’s licence via the mySA GOV app
  • Reduced paper use and the associated storage requirements by more than 2.5 million papers per annum in Shared Services SA.

Government ICT keeps pace with the way people work and do business

Enhanced cyber security capability and resilience

Government services are simple, access is easy and smart, transactions are digital by default

Strategic Engagement

Supported strategic engagement and consultation across government:

  • YourSAy, the government’s platform for community engagement and consultation, had 112,811 registered users by 30 June 2018, representing 10% of the voting population. The program was a finalist in the 2017 Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Sector Management
  • The Open State festival tripled in size from the previous year, with a focus on innovation and enterprise and exceeded all targets. There were five times (280) more presenting partners from business, industry and universities, 37 international and 137 local speakers and more than 17,000 attendances.

Citizens, business, industry and stakeholders have access to more opportunities to contribute to creating better policies and services for South Australians

Participatory Budgeting

Administered the Fund My Neighbourhood program which allowed members of the community to nominate local projects for grant funding.

A total of 202 projects were provided with approximately $19 million in  2017-18 (with one to be paid in 2018-19).

Citizens have access to opportunities to contribute to government decision making

Government Communications

DPC led whole of government communications activities in support of the Cabinet endorsed South Australian Government Communications Plan. Communication campaigns included:

  • Job Accelerator Grant
  • JOBEX, South Australia’s largest job expo
  • Public Education
  • Health Infrastructure
  • Fund My Neighbourhood grants program
  • New Adelaide.

Effective marketing communication initiatives that ensure the South Australian public, media and industries are well informed of the government’s key initiatives

Central community access to information about the government’s commitments

Table of contents

Legislation administered by the agency

Acts committed to the Premier

  • Agent-General Act 1901
  • Competition Policy Reform (South Australia) Act 1996
  • Constitution Act 1934
  • Emergency Management Act 2004
  • Fees Regulation Act 1927
  • Government Business Enterprises (Competition) Act 1996
  • Mutual Recognition (South Australia) Act 1993
  • Remuneration Act 1990
  • Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (South Australia) Act 1999
  • Unauthorised Documents Act 1916
  • Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999

Acts committed to the Minister for the Public Sector

  • Public Sector Act 2009
  • Public Sector (Data Sharing) Act 2016
  • Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995
  • Freedom of Information Act 1991 (administered by the Attorney General’s Department)

Acts committed to the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

  • Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment Act 2004
  • Broken Hill Proprietary Company’s Indenture Act 1937
  • Cooper Basin (Ratification) Act 1975
  • Electricity Act 1996
  • Electricity Trust of South Australia (Torrens Island Power Station) Act 1962 (The)
  • Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Act 2000
  • Gas Act 1997
  • Mines and Works Inspection Act 1920
  • Mining Act 1971
  • National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996
  • National Energy Retail Law (South Australia) Act 2011
  • National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008
  • National Gas Authority Act 1967
  • Offshore Minerals Act 2000
  • Opal Mining Act 1995
  • Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000
  • Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
  • Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982
  • Stony Point (Liquids Project) Ratification Act 1981
  • Whyalla Steel Works Act 1958

Acts committed to the Minister for Water and the River Murray

  • Water Industry Act 2012

Table of contents

Organisation of the agency (at 30 June 2018)

DPC Org Chart

Table of contents

Other agencies related to DPC (within the Premier’s area/s of responsibility)

Office for the Public Sector

The Office for the Public Sector (OPS) supports the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment’s statutory role and responsibilities.

OPS brings together a number of central functions including leadership development, human resource policy development and advice, workforce analysis and strategy, and work health and safety and injury management performance.

The Commissioner’s function includes advancing the objects of the Public Sector Act 2009 and promoting observance of the public sector principles. The Commissioner’s activities are reported to Parliament in the State of the Sector report. The size, structure and composition of the public sector workforce is reported in the Workforce Information Report.

The Office of the Public Sector’s 2017-18 achievements included:

  • completion of the Jobs4Youth program, with the target of 800 trainee and graduate placements met ahead of schedule
  • commencement of the Flexibility of the Future initiative to increase the uptake of flexible working arrangements throughout the public sector and, from the savings achieved, employing young South Australians
  • establishment of the South Australian Public Sector Aboriginal Employment Register to connect Aboriginal job seekers to public sector employment opportunities
  • a pilot of the South Australian Leadership Academy, a sector-wide, integrated approach to leadership development
  • total benefit of $113 million for employees who accessed Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) arrangements under the South Australian Government Salary Sacrifice Agreement
  • placement of 131 Department for Human Services employees affected by disability and domiciliary care reforms into in the public sector.

Office of the Agent-General

The Office of the Agent-General works to increase awareness of South Australia across the United Kingdom and Europe and drive preference for the state as a destination of choice for foreign investment, migration, study and tourism, as well as being a producer of premium food and wine. Key outcomes for 2017-18 include:

  • engagement of Liberty House / GFG 12 months before they acquired Arrium’s operations in Whyalla to help facilitate the acquisition
  • several companies were successfully attracted across a range of sectors from the UK and France to setup operations in South Australia, in collaboration with other agencies
  • over 50 export companies were supported through introductions to distributors, retailers and wholesalers, promotional campaigns and media coverage, bespoke events in the office, business to business introductions, trade shows and the provision of local market intelligence
  • six South Australia Club events to showcase 32 South Australian companies, products and services to more than 750 attendees
  • hosting a fashion show in Paris to showcase Paolo Sebastian, a South Australian fashion house, to UK industry buyers and media. A ‘Women in Wine’ event was held to provide a platform for 25 South Australian women to present over 60 wines to industry and consumers.

Office of the State-Coordinator General

The Office of the State-Coordinator General (SCG) actively works to drive investment in South Australia by creating an environment that welcomes private sector development and stimulates job creation. Key outcomes for 2017-18 included:

  • 11 development proposals with a combined estimated value of $280 million being assigned to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP). A total of 16 SCG determined projects granted Development Plan Consent by SCAP to the estimated value of $184 million
  • granting exemption to 136 Renewing Our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus program applications, including 434 dwelling units and 126 allotments to the total value of $84.9 million
  • the SCG exercised his powers under the Development (Diplomatic Missions) Variation Regulations 2016 for the Consular-General for the People’s Republic of China and their requirements for a new perimeter fence and gatehouse for the consular facility at Joslin
  • used the ability of the SCG to exempt developments at The Bend Motorsport Park from the need to obtain development plan consent, obtain native vegetation clearance approval and application of the general environmental duty in relation to noise, if events are carried out in accordance with any guidelines in relation to noise prepared by the State Coordinator‑General and approved by the Environment Protection Authority
  • supported major investment activities with planning and regulatory advice.

Office of the Economic Development Board

The Economic Development Board (EDB) maximises the value of emerging economic opportunities for South Australia, so that South Australia is recognised as the most competitive place in Australia to invest and grow a business.

During 2017-18, the Office of the Economic Development Board supported the EDB to deliver the following initiatives:

  • Ageing Well: EDB initiated the development of an Ageing Well sector in South Australia that responds to the global ageing demographic phenomenon. The sector development program was inclusive of the community spanning citizens, industry, research organisations, and all levels of government. Key initiatives included:
    • convening the inaugural Ageing Well Revolution International Conference, held in Adelaide from 22-23 November 2017 to showcase South Australian projects and companies supporting a key strategy to position South Australia as a recognised world leader in the ageing well sector
    • establishing the Global Centre for Modern Ageing Limited (GCMA) to connect citizens and businesses with education, training, research, networks, business development and international pathways to market
    • establishing an Ageing Well Living Laboratory, a dedicated facility located at the Tonsley Innovation Precinct known as LifeLab and operated by GCMA, to drive innovation and growth in the development of new products and services tailored for, and co-created with, citizens as they age.
  • Smart Specialisation: aims to achieve sustainable economic growth by focusing policy efforts on activities with the greatest potential for success. The Smart Specialisation – Insights for a Future Industry Policy report prepared by EDB was informed by Australia’s first state based economic complexity analysis. The analysis identifies South Australia’s global comparative advantages and offers a strong empirical basis for successful industry development policy. Policy implications in the report were intended to assist the state government’s future industry development policy
  • Workplaces of Tomorrow: Identifies and develops pathways to establish future industries in South Australia that complement the State’s competitive advantages, increase the State’s economic complexity and have substantial economic growth potential
  • Creative and Cultural Sector: EDB recognised the potential of the economic impact on the creative and cultural sector and the state more broadly that can result from strategic investment in the sector and identifying opportunities to support the state’s ambitions by building on its strengths. A ‘Decision Making Framework’ for assessing creative and cultural sector investment opportunities was developed, in collaboration with the sector, which is intended to support and facilitate the State Government’s prioritisation of funding opportunities for the creative and cultural sector, and contribute to clear and robust decision-making
  • Building and Growing Medium Enterprises: explored ways to leverage the size and capability of South Australia’s medium enterprises to create new jobs through growth
  • Luxury food, wine and beverage training program: EDB, in collaboration with the Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia and Food SA supported the development of a bespoke training program for food, wine and beverage manufacturers and producers in South Australia to target the global luxury brand market.

The Economic Development Board was formally dissolved on 30 June 2018 and replaced by an Economic Advisory Council.

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Employment opportunity programs

Program name Result of the program

DPC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment pools

As at 30 June 2018, 439 candidates were registered on the pools for vacancies across all classification levels.

During 2017-18, 22 candidates from the pools were engaged into DPC roles.

Flexibility for the Future – graduate and trainee recruitment

In 2017-18, a total of 19 graduates and 6 trainees were recruited into DPC.

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Agency performance management and development systems

Performance management and development system Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency

OurDevelopment and CHRIS 21

92.54% of DPC’s eligible workforce completed a performance development process in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Sector’s Employment Guideline on Performance Management and Development.

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Work health, safety and return to work programs of the agency and their effectiveness

Program name and brief descriptionEffectiveness
Injury and Workers Compensation Management

Effective management strategies have been adopted to minimise the cost impact of work injured employees through early intervention, active case management and claims resolution as evidenced by regular reporting and analysis.

DPC has consistently maintained a low rate of significant injury, as benchmarked against the South Australian public sector.

Early intervention assessments are conducted within 48 hours of an injury being reported.

The department’s work health and safety performance measures align with government safety performance targets and have been achieved.

Wellbeing and Engagement

A comprehensive Wellbeing Program has been delivered, based on the concept of Healthy Body/Heathy Mind. The program also aims to help build resilience and a positive culture with a focus on psychological wellbeing.

The Wellbeing Program has been monitored and demonstrated positive outcomes against all targets.

Table of contents

Work health and safety and return to work performance




(+ / -)

Workplace injury claims

Total new workplace injury claims








Seriously injured workers*




Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE)




Work health and safety regulation

Number of notifiable incidents (WHS Act 2012,
Part 3)




Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (WHS Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195)




Return to work costs**

Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($)

499 349

381 037

+118 312

Income support payments – gross ($)

57 558

81 782

-24 224

*number of claimants assessed during the reporting period as having a whole person impairment of 30% or more under the Return to Work Act 2014 (Part 2 Division 5)**before third-party recovery

Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA work health and safety & return to work performance

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Fraud detected in the agency

Category/nature of fraud Number of instances

False statement on a pre-employment declaration


Allegation of manipulation of timesheets


Allegation of theft


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Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud

The processes for preventing, detecting and responding to the risks of fraud are documented in the department’s Corruption and Maladministration Policy and Corruption and Maladministration Strategy, which is consistent with the across government Fraud and Corruption Policy issued by the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment.

Processes are in place for recording, analysing, reporting and escalating fraud and corruption loss events and control failures. These include key mechanisms to prevent, detect and respond to the risks of fraud. These processes are supported by:

  • annual internal audit plans
  • monthly Executive Financial Performance Reports
  • certification of internal controls under the DPC Financial Management Compliance Program and the end of financial year statements preparation process.

The financial report is supported by a system of internal controls that are monitored and assessed during the financial year through the department’s internal assurance processes and other processes undertaken by Shared Services SA as the external service provider.

The induction process ensures that all new employees are made aware of the Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector and the Corruption and Maladministration Policy. This policy clearly stipulates a zero-tolerance position in respect to fraud and corruption. All staff are also required to complete an online Fraud and Corruption Awareness course within six months of commencement.

Appropriate business practices are also reinforced through the department’s Financial Management Compliance Program.

Further, each business unit is required to undertake regular fraud and corruption risk assessments on their operations, monitor identified/potential risks and document mitigating actions in the risk register. Risk registers are subject to a six-monthly review.

Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA fraud detected within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

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Whistle-blowers’ disclosure

Number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer of the agency under the Whistle-blowers’ Protection Act 1993


Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993

Table of contents

Executive employment in the agency

Executive classification Number of executives









Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA DPC Executives

For further information, the Office for the Public Sector has a data dashboard showing the breakdown of executives by gender, salary and tenure by agency.

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The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.


All consultancies below $10 000 each

  Combined Subtotal (34) 135 334

Consultancies above $10,000 each

Applied Hybrid Energy Pty Ltd

Specialist energy policy and commercial advice

29 000

Ashton Advisory Pty Ltd

Advice on developing the Business Plan for the Office of the Public Sector

55 850

Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd

Strategic energy advice for Service Station concept

16 059

Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd

Provision of specialist and technical engineering support services for South Australia’s Energy Plan

1 1010 122

BDO Advisory (SA) Pty Ltd

SA Government Cyber Resilience Review

104 400

Borkowski Somerset House

Advice to help attract investment in South Australia

12 705

Brubrior Investments Pty Ltd

Assist the government in achieving the best possible outcome for South Australia from ongoing development of Olympic Dam, the Steel Task Force, the Port Pirie Transformation project, and the Resources Infrastructure Task Force

105 401

CQR Consulting Aust Pty Ltd

System testing

22 640

Crisis Management Australia

Develop and deliver a catastrophic disaster exercise for the State Crisis Centre

59 000

CTR for Asia Pacific Aviation

Benchmark analysis and report of the SA Aviation Market 2017

12 000

Deloitte Access Economics

Creative industries review and benefit framework

124 887

Deloitte Finance Pty Ltd

Develop a series of options for the delivery of pre-school to three year old children within South Australia and to undertake a cost benefit analysis of each option

69 000

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

HR21 penetration testing

14 191

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

Develop the skills of WH&S Representatives compliance with required legislation

16 530

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

Security review of SAPOL payroll transition for Shared Services SA

24 194

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

Metropolitan Fire Service payroll review for Shared Services SA

45 203

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

ICT facilitation services for strategic planning

168 181

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

Digital Platform for Citizens and Business Rationalisation Business Case

187 601

DNV GL Australia Pty Ltd

Review of stress corrosion cracking in gas transmission pipelines

13 124

Dr Alfred Huang

Services associated with managing the 2017 Shandon Connect Program

10 000

Electranet Pty Ltd

Provision of Connection Options report and indicative pricing offer for Emergency Generators relocation

72 683

Ernst & Young

Engaged to develop an Assurance Plan and emergency management performance standards to support implementation of the South Australian Emergency Management Assurance Framework

59 489

Ernst & Young

Preparation of high impact document

75 503

Ernst & Young

ICT functional review

99 317

Essential Media Communications

Provision of communications related research, analysis, policy and planning advice services, contributing to the development of a whole of government communications plan

128 239


Lead generation for the French strategy

95 416

Fenix Performance Solutions

Provide commercial, financing and technical advice regarding the steelmaking’s future in Whyalla to the Steel Taskforce

38 239

Fenix Performance Solutions

Provide advice relating to the commercial and financing terms for agreement information received under Port Pirie transformation project

59 093

Fragile to Agile (Asia Pac) Pty Ltd

Specialist advice on enterprise architecture and IT strategies

12 750

Frontier Economics Pty Ltd

Provision of advice on energy market transition for the SA Energy Plan

848 733

Greg McCarthy

Transition advisory and management services of SA Public Sector workplace health and safety arrangements

20 000

Gus Commercial Consulting (SA)

Strategic business and legal consulting

27 205

Gus Commercial Consulting (SA)

Probity advisory services for the One Government One Employer program

42 500

Hannan Duck & Partners Pty Ltd

Preparation of a draft whole of government Business Impact Assessment Manual

15 000

Innovation Performance Australia Pty Ltd

South Australian Defence Supply Chain Industry Attraction Action Plan

113 636

Iocane Pty Ltd

Assess StateNet future directions

26 200

Jacobs Group (Aust) Pty Ltd

Constraints analysis for proposed battery storage sites for the SA Battery Storage Project

12 173

JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd

Advisory services relating to the SA Energy Plan approvals

20 393

K Ashcroft Consulting

Administer Leadership Circle Profile 360 assessments

11 627

K Ashcroft Consulting

Provide advice on the Leaders Academy – Executive Excellence and Next Execs programs

153 338

Kloud Solutions Pty Ltd

Threat intelligence platform for SA Security Bulletin Web App

28 000


Guidance for establishment of Infrastructure SA

77 750

Mercer Consulting (Aust) Pty Ltd

Review of SA Government Commissioner role (including comparison with other jurisdictions)

20 000


Security collaboration toolkit assessment

12 800

Motte and Bailey

Commercial and business development

11 299

Oakley Greenwood

Advice for Nyrstar Port Pirie smelter transformation project

20 000

Paul Case

Stakeholder engagement with the Mintable residents on the arrangements for the town’s closure

21 642

Payroll Matters Pty Ltd

Provision of advisory Services on payroll related areas

44 233

PPB Advisory

Provide expert advice on the state’s financial support package proposals in relation to Arrium and other steel industry matters

149 962


Provide a cost benefit analysis of the software as a service model for the Human Capital Management systems

16 328


SA Government Salary Sacrifice Agreement – novated lease proposal risk review

24 836


SA Government Salary Sacrifice Agreement – risk review

63 088


SA Government Salary Sacrifice Agreement – biennial review

69 999


HR Systems review project of One Government One Employer

120 102

Randstad Pty Ltd

Provide advice for One Government One Employee and IWORKFORSA initiatives

20 000

Robert I Thomas

Advisory and committee services relating to Dry Creek Salt Field Closure and Redevelopment project, targeted lead abatement program

150 000

Tacsi Inc

Development of a Public Sector Innovation Laboratory business model

67 058

Taylor Fry Pty Ltd

Actuarial review of outstanding claim

142 296

The Murray Family Trust

Consultancy and technical support for Otway Basin analysis modelling studies

10 000

Thomson Reuters (Professional)

E-Recruitment Solutions – BigRedSky Development Work

24 765

TSS Cyber Pty Ltd

Development of an options paper and recommended approach

27 000

VHF Advisory Pty Ltd

SWOT analysis of industry capabilities

10 000

Vipac Engineers & Scientists

Air and noise assessment

23 400

Wayne Eagleson Consulting Ltd

Provision of a consultancy program on a range of issues including the implementation of a performance management framework for the SA public service and work with senior executives to facilitate adoption; strategic advice surrounding the implementation of election commitments; and other strategic advice on transitioning to an altered operating environment under the new government

18 351

Wayne Eagleson Consulting Ltd

Provision of a consultancy program for the new Cabinet around decision making processes and transition to government

21 598


Subtotal (65)

5 226 179

Total all consultancies (99)

5 361 513

Data for previous years is available at: Data.SA Consultants engaged by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

See also the Consolidated Financial Report of the Department of Treasury and Finance for total value of consultancy contracts across the SA Public Sector.

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The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

ContractorPurpose $ Value

Contractors below $10,000 each

All contractors below $10 000 each


$ Value


Combined Subtotal (104)

370 859

Contractors $10,000 each and above

Accipitrine Pty Ltd

Commercial Director for the SA Energy Plan

484 800

Accru Harris Orchard

South Australian Leadership Academy

10 300

ACIL Allen Consulting

Review of frequency standards in Australia

38 000

Adelaide Expo Hire

Provision of exhibition design and management for JOBEX 2017

1 117 234

Advice & Co EURL

Representative for France

65 557


Recharge for seconded officer from Australian Energy Market Commission working in Energy and Technical Regulation division

106 964

Arc Public Pty Ltd

Strategic engagement strategy development and implementation

18 800

Arcblue Consulting (Aus) P/L

Provision of services relating to natural gas procurement

50 275

Artis Group Pty Ltd

Petroleum Exploration and Production System implementation and maintenance project

14 304

Australia and New Zealand School of Government

Provision of public value workshops

16 500

Australia and New Zealand School of Government

Communication for Impact and Influence workshop

35 000

Baigent Geosciences Pty Ltd

Perform data quality checks for Gawler Craton Airborne Geophysical survey

37 815

BBO Advisory (SA) Pty Ltd

Records management resource and support costs

13 665

BBO Advisory (SA) Pty Ltd

Professional services relating to ICT and Digital Transformation model

25 366

BBO Advisory (SA) Pty Ltd

Professional services relating to Procurement Services Panel project

47 980

BDO Advisory (SA) Pty Ltd

Across government cyber resilience review

50 000

BDO Advisory (SA) Pty Ltd

Professional services relating to the Whole of Government Communications reform project

100 026

Bentleys (SA) Pty Ltd

Machinery of Government transition for Resources and Energy Group and Office of the Economic Development Board

16 836

Business & Risk Solutions P/L

Strategic planning workshop

11 730

Careerlink Business Services Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

3 634 621

Catherine Jane Norton

Petrophysical Support for Otway Petroleum Systems Analysis Project

14 700

Catherine Jane Norton

Management of petroleum well log data

57 526


Remote Areas Energy Supply Scheme – provision of Electricity Generation, Distribution and Retail Services

18 728

CENTRE For Appropriate

Commercial in confidence


Centre for Social Leadership

Provision of leadership programs

80 000

Challenger Geological Services Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

32 931

Challenger Geological Services Pty Ltd

Provision of skilled staff to provide professional services, labour hire, storage and transportation services for SA Drill Core Reference Library

31 609

Chamonix IT Management

Whole of Government Communications approval process

73 050

Chandler Macleod Group Ltd

Temporary labour hire

46 461

Comprara Pty Ltd

Benefits realisation workshop

34 873

Core Energy Group

Provide an overview of the upstream cost of producing synthesis gas via 2 processes: underground coal gasification (UCG) and surface gasification

14 000

Cowell Electric Supply Pty Ltd

Commercial in confidence


CQ Partners Pty Ltd

Input into the development of the evaluation plan and advice to evaluation team for the SA Concessions EDO procurement

21 500

CQ Partners Pty Ltd

Assistance with bridging supply contracts

33 350

CQ Partners Pty Ltd

Gas market analysis report for emergency power plant

39 000

Cummins Hybrid Pty Ltd

Communications overview document

10 950

Cyberops Pty Ltd

Commercial in confidence


Davies Stewart Recruitment

Temporary labour hire

761 381

Deloitte Consulting Pty Ltd

OZ Minerals 5G Workshop 2017

19 482

Deloitte Consulting Pty Ltd

Heavy industry and mining workshop

20 478

Deloitte Consulting Pty Ltd

5G Tonsley Forum 2018

23 178

Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd

Audit services and financial advisory services

111 412

DFP Recruitment Services

Temporary labour hire

1 261 615

Do Something

Energy Smart South Australia Project

127 100

Dowling Consulting Pty Ltd

Creation of the Marval SLA reports to track and measure the performance from DXC

26 600

East West Consultants Pty Ltd

Accountancy support for the Agent Generals office in London

30 474

Edge Recruitment

Temporary labour hire

82 515


Provision of independent non-financial auditing services for the South Australian Government's Master Media Agency Scheme

50 400

Ernst & Young

Checklist and work plan for the establishment of the Ageing Well Entity

30 724

Ernst & Young

Security review and testing

40 350

Escient Pty Ltd

End User Computing change management

60 781

Essential Media Communications

Provision of services for focus groups

145 534

Far West Coast Aboriginal Corp

Coompana Rehabilitation Planning with Traditional Owners and 2018 Works

26 412

Frontier Software

Development of reporting extract for Office for the Public Sector, for the one government data warehouse

19 349

Glaeba (02) Pty Ltd

Brukunga Mine Remediation Environmental Audit

23 155

Gus Commercial Consulting (SA)

Advising on various issues concerning the operation of the end user computing contract

12 190

Gus Commercial Consulting (SA)

Advising and negotiating a commercial settlement of the CRM Licensing issue

14 910

Halifax House Consulting

Aboriginal Frontline Leadership Program

13 025

Hannan Duck & Partners Pty Ltd

Preparation of an ISMF Compliance Gap analysis and associated materials

20 000

Hannan Duck & Partners Pty Ltd

Strategic advisory services in relation to Machinery of Government changes and other changes to administrative arrangements

40 271

Harrison McMillan Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

21 634

Harrison McMillan Pty Ltd

Research assistant

48 264


Strategic research for communications campaigns

73 500

Hays Specialist Recruitment

Temporary labour hire

114 189

Hays Specialist Recruitment

Professional advisory services provided by IT professionals

120 587

Hays Specialist Recruitment

Temporary labour hire

3 081 385

Hoban Recruitment Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

576 959

Honjo Pty Ltd

Project management services for State Owned Emergency Power Plant Project

256 545

Hudson Global Resources (Aust)

Professional advisory services provided by IT professionals

26 319

Hudson Global Resources (Aust)

Temporary labour hire

318 545

Ian Dixon Pty Ltd

Preparation and facilitation of Stronger Partners Stronger Futures Workshop Port Augusta Workshop

14 999

Ian Dixon Pty Ltd

Provision of strategic partnering advice and facilitation support to engage with native title groups and other key stakeholders, for the purpose of identifying collaborative solutions to improve the operation of the native title and Aboriginal heritage systems, for mineral resources exploration in South Australia

16 500

ICS Integrated Cabling

Installation of new Q-Matic System cabling at various Service SA work sites

10 957

Ikon Science Asia Pacific P/L

Geomechanical modelling and implications for the Leigh Creek ISG Demonstration Site

22 000

Inlogik Pty Ltd

Implementation of machinery of government changes into ANZ Expense Manager

12 100

Innergise Pty Ltd

SA Leadership Academy design and delivery

14 000

Innodev Pty Ltd

Public Online Booking program

57 230

Iocane Pty Ltd

Security architecture & consultation work for Child Protection Data Link project

14 520

IT Power (Australia) Pty Ltd

Commercial in confidence


Jacobs Group (Aust) Pty Ltd

Appraisal of Policies for Carbon Reduction

49 000

Jacqueline Kohler

Event, program & partner management support

23 650

JJ & LG Scott

Removal of wellheads and accommodation facilities for remote work

46 505

John Lewin

Review of CE performance appraisal

10 500

John Southalan

Leading Practice Mining Act Review, including review of draft legislation and provision of feedback and written report

14 000

Key Energy and Resources Pty Ltd

Commercial in confidence


Key Energy and Resources Pty Ltd

Specialist energy advice to support the small market electricity and gas procurement processes

28 435


Bank reconciliation review

30 472

Leapsheep Pty Ltd

DPC Digital Challenge (D3) Experience

18 000

Leed Consulting Pty Ltd

Facilitation and delivery of the 2017 Reverse Mentoring Program

16 663

Local Government Association of South Australia

Provision of strategic advice in relation to the Fund My Neighbourhood program

51 072

Lumino Events Pty Ltd

Ageing Well Conference

25 090

Major Training Services

Delivery of workshops related to procurement, supplier selection, and contract management

44 625

Manpower Services Aust Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

93 724

Marsden Jacob Associates P/L

National Energy Efficient Buildings (NEEB) - Reg impact statement for South Australia - Variation to national construction code to increase the energy efficiency requirements for residential buildings

91 456

Mav Media Pty Ltd

Filming and editing of videos as part of the Stronger Partners Stronger Futures Program, Port Augusta Workshop

33 300

Maxima Tempskill

Health and Safety Manager for the SA Energy Plan

367 364

Maxima Tempskill Recruitment

Temporary labour hire

613 378

McArthur Management Services

Temporary labour hire

11 570

MCI Australia Pty Ltd

Conference organisation for 2017 Ageing Well Revolution conference

50 000

McMahon Services Aust Pty Ltd

Commercial in confidence


Minalyze Pty Ltd

Undertake the multi-element continuous X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of drill core sourced during the South Australian Regional (SAR) Drill Core Scanning Project

80 000

Neotic Solutions Pty Ltd

Delivery of regulator training workshop

13 342

Oak Valley (Maralinga) Store

Provide required rehabilitation and clean-up associated with Rodinia mine site

22 085

Oak Valley (Maralinga) Store

Commercial in confidence


O'Kane Consultants Pty Ltd

Carrapateena Project TSF Geochem and Closure Assessment Australia

38 855

Open Tute Pty Ltd

Provision of learning management services pilot for the SA Government

20 000

Paxus Australia Ltd

Temporary labour hire

385 875

Peoplebank Australia Ltd

Professional advisory services provided by IT professionals

98 712

Peoplebank Australia Ltd

Temporary labour hire

922 845

Pinstripe Media Pty Ltd

Integrated partnership in the Airport Economist - London special episode

10 000

PJR Business Consulting Pty Ltd

Support to Shared Services SA for the establishment of Department for Child Protection

18 000

PJR Business Consulting Pty Ltd

Support to Shared Services SA for the establishment of the Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment

75 960

Portland Group Pty Ltd

Procurement Technology review

13 269

PQ Services Pty Ltd

Program Management services for the SA Energy Plan

1 021 446


Commercial advisor for procurement of Hydrogen Production Facility, Refuelling Station and trial of at least six Hydrogen Fuel Cell buses

146 089


Financial and commercial advice to support the SA Energy Plan procurements

1 569 268

Procurement Advisory Services

Conduct two GBP Hi-pots procurement workshops

25 946

Programmed Skilled Workforce

Temporary labour hire

26 588

R&D Solutions Pty Ltd

Removal of wellheads and accommodation facilities for remote work

88 948

Ramboll Australia Pty Ltd

Qualitative review and comparison of Mining Regulation of Regulatory Approvals

101 427

Randstad Pty Ltd

Human Capital Management project for the SA Government

178 629

Randstad Pty Ltd

Professional advisory services provided by IT professionals

89 633

Randstad Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

224 158

Randstad Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

826 595

Regional Anangu Services

Remote Areas Energy Supply Scheme - Provision of Electricity Generation, Distribution and Retail Services

18 241

Regional Power Corp

Commercial in confidence


Richard Dennis

Provision of legislative drafting services for the Mining Act Review

35 125


Accounts payable scanning project

20 000

RNTT Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

152 265

Samantha Wilkinson Human Resource Consulting

Pulse Survey Proposal - Values and Behaviours Framework Project

60 581

See Marketing and Communications

Contractor services for strategic engagement projects, including Open State

19 653

Solstice Media Ltd

Creation and distribution of communications, highlighting South Australian economic and cultural activity

375 000

Square Holes

Provision of services relating to campaign tracking research

40 500

SRA Information Technology Pty Ltd

Architecture and development work on Minerals and Energy Resources databases (Basis, Mines and Energy Records File Finder)

11 303

SRA Information Technology Pty Ltd

Development and maintenance of tenement and royalty applications

112 712

SRA Information Technology Pty Ltd

Lobbyist and candidate register portals design

24 545


National Energy Efficiency for Buildings Phase 3 - draft report

15 000

Swood Financial Solutions Pty Ltd

Provision of Planet Press maintenance and support

17 680

Swood Financial Solutions Pty Ltd

Masterpiece implementation support

36 160

System Solutions Engineering

State Administration Centre Essential Power Connection engineering services

20 300

Talent International (SA) Pty Ltd

Professional advisory services provided by IT professionals

303 523

Talent International (SA) Pty Ltd

Temporary labour hire

1 071 845

Talent Options

Temporary labour hire

199 922

The Pop Up Co.

Event Consulting Services for JOBEX

10 000

The University of Adelaide

Design of the camera system at the Living Lab

22 800

Think Human

Documentation of team training and research materials

12 750

Thomson Geer Services Pty Ltd

Update website

43 465

Thomson Reuters (Professional)

Building an online e-recruitment solution in relation to the One Government One Employer program

59 541

Thornhall Pty Ltd

Staff training workshops

26 000

Thorsys Australia Pty Ltd

Microsoft.NET development

11 550

Three As One Consulting Pty Ltd

Services to develop a Cabinet Submission for the establishment of the SA Node of the Australian Cyber Security Growth Network

10 875


Whole of Government Communications reform project

344 913

Tradevent Solutions

Professional services in relation to the JOBEX event

28 551

Une Partnerships Pty Ltd

Commercial in confidence


Une Partnerships Pty Ltd

Provision of workshops in relation to procurement processes, including market approach, contract management, governance and risk

19 573

Une Partnerships Pty Ltd

Provision of services regarding DPC generation and supply of electricity

35 750

University of WA

Review of Carrapateena Project

15 400

WSP Australia Pty Ltd

Project management services for 250MW gas fired electricity generation plant project

293 914

Yalata Community Inc

Commercial in confidence



Subtotal (159)

25 251 931

Total all contractors


25 622 790

Data is available at: Data.SA Contractors engaged by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

The details of all South Australian Government-awarded contracts for goods, services, and works are displayed on the SA Tenders and Contracts website.

The website also provides details of Across government contracts.

Table of contents

Financial performance of the agency

The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. The information is unaudited. Full audited financial statements for 2017-18 are attached to this report.

Statement of Comprehensive Income

  2017-18 Budget
2017-18 Actual
2016-17 Actual


(560 470)

(531 951)

28 519

(323 258)


158 526

158 789


194 392

Net cost of providing services

(401 944)

(373 162)

28 782

(128 866)

Net Revenue from SA Government

435 528

396 761

(38 767)

148 193

Net result

33 584

23 599

(9 985)

19 327

Total Comprehensive Result

33 584

23 599

(9 985)

19 327

The department reported a $23.599 million profit for the 2017-18 financial year. This result is $9.985 million unfavourable when compared with the 2017-18 budget, mainly due to vacancies and delayed expenditure that will be carried over into future years, offset by a return of surplus cash reducing net revenue from SA Government.

Table of contents

Statement of Financial Position

  2017-18 Budget
2017-18 Actual
2016-17 Actual

Current assets

188 594

160 797

(27 797)

160 160

Non-current assets

89 530

83 674

(5 856)

78 825

Total assets

278 124

244 471

(33 653)

238 985

Current liabilities

(86 596)

(62 177)

24 419

(85 988)

Non-current liabilities

(47 283)

(48 023)


(46 715)

Total liabilities

(133 879)

(110 200)

23 679

(132 703)

Net assets

144 245

134 271

(9 974)

106 282


144 245

134 271

(9 974)

106 282

The department’s net assets at 30 June 2018 were $9.97 million lower than budget due to budget adjustments made to the deposit account for approved carryovers, partially offset by a reduction in payables as at 30 June.

Other financial information

Nil to report

Other information requested by the Premier or other significant issues affecting the agency or reporting pertaining to independent functions

Nil to report

Annual reports | Table of contents | Section B | Section C